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魏普文 讲师   










  1. Puwen Wei, Yuliang Zheng and Wei Wang. Multi-recipient Encryption in Heterogeneous Setting. Information Security Practice and Experience-10th International Conference, ISPEC 2014, LNCS 8434, pp. 462-480, 2014.

  2. Puwen Wei and Yuliang Zheng. Efficient Public Key Encryption Admitting Decryption by Sender. 9th European PKI Workshop: Research and Applications, EuroPKI 2012. LNCS 7868, pp. 37-52, 2013.

  3. Puwen Wei, Yuliang Zheng and Xiaoyun Wang. Public Key Encryption for the Forgetful, Cryptography and Security: From Theory to Applications, LNCS 6805, pp.185-206, 2012.

  4. Puwen Wei, Xiaoyun Wang and Yuliang Zheng. Public Key Encryption without Random Oracle Made Truly Practical (Full Version), Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol. 38, no 4, pp.975-985, July 2012.

  5. Puwen Wei, Xiaoyun Wang and Yuliang Zheng. Public Key Encryption without Random Oracle Made Truly Practical (Extended Abstract). 11th International Conference on Information and Communications Security, ICICS2009, LNCS 5927, pp.107-120, 2009.

  6. Puwen Wei, Guoyan Zhang, Lijiang Zhang and Xiaoyun Wang. Simplified Transformation from HVSZK Arguments to Concurrent SZK Arguments Based on DDH. Tsinghua Science and Technology, vol. 14, no.2, pp. 255-263, 2009.