吕广世 教授
入选2010年度教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划;获2011年山东省杰出青年基金;获2011年度教育部高等学校自然科学奖一等奖(第2 位); 获2014年度国家自然科学奖二等奖(第3 位)。
在自守形式领域对自守形式Fourier系数的高次幂均值,以及其在算术级数中的分布或稀疏序列中的分布等问题做出了贡献。特别地,证明了Ramanjuan猜想在8次模的意义下平均成立。在素数分布领域,在素变量指数和估计的研究中无条件证明了几个以往广义黎曼假设下的结果;改进了“Linnik几乎哥德巴赫问题”的结果。在Bulletin of London Mathematical Journal, The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Monatshefte fur Mathematik等国际权威刊物发表论文发表论文60余篇。
(With Y.J. Jiang), Average behavior of Fourier coefficients of Maass cusp forms for hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Monatshfte fur Mathematik, DOI 10.1007/s00605-015-0766-z.
(With J. Wu and W.G. Zhai), Shifted convolution of cusp-forms with θ -series, The Ramanujan Journal, DOI 10.1007/s11139-015-9678-8.
(With A. Sankaranarayanan) Higher moments of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, http://dx.doi.org/10.4153/CMB-2015-031-1.
Shifted convolution sums of Fourier coefficients with divisor functions, Acta Math. Hungar., 146 (2015), 86–97.
(With H.C. Tang) Sums of Fourier coefficients related to Hecke eigencusp forms, The Ramanujan Journal, 37(2015), 309-327.
(With Y.J. Jiang) Uniform estimates for sums of coefficients of symmetric square L-function, Journal of Number Theory, 148(2015), 220–234.
(With Y.J. Jiang) The average order of Hecke eigenvalues of Siegel cusp forms of genus 2, The Ramanujan Journal, DOI 10.1007/s11139-014-9611-6.
(With W.J. Ma) On mean values of some arithmetic functions involving different number fields, The Ramanujan Journal, DOI:10.1007/s11139-014-9612-5.
(With Y.J. Jiang) On the higher mean over arithmetic progressions of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, Acta Arith., 166(2014), 231-252.
Sums of absolute values of cusp form coefficients and their application, Journal of Number Theory, 139(2014), 29-43.
On averages of Fourier coefficients of Maass cusp forms, Archiv der Mathematik, 100(2013), 255–265.
Mean values connected with the Dedekind zeta-function of a non-normal cubic field, Central European Journal of Mathematics, 11.2(2013), 274-282.
(With H.W. Sun), The ternary Goldbach–Vinogradov theoremwith almost equal primes from the Beatty sequence, The Ramanujan Journal, 30 (2013), 153–161.
On higher moments of Fourier coefficients of holomorphic cusp forms II, Monatshfte fur Mathematik, 169 (2013), 409–422.
(With J. Wu and W.G. Zhai) On a divisor problem related to the Epstein zeta-function IV, Acta Arith., 154.3(2012), 307-324.
(With J. Wu and W.G. Zhai) On a divisor problem related to the Epstein zeta-function III, Quart. J. Math. (Oxford), 63 (2012), 953–963.
On general divisor problems involving Hecke eigenvalues, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, (2011), 135(2012), 148-159.
(With Y.-K. Lau and J. Wu) Integral power sums of Hecke eigenvalues, ActaArith., 150.2(2011), 193-207.
(With Y.-K. Lau) Sums of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, Quart. J. Math. (Oxford), 62(2011), 687-716.
(With Z.X. Liu) Density of two squares and powers of 2, International Journal of Number Theory, 5(2011), 1317-1329.
On mean values of some arithmetic functions in number fields, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 132(2011), 1924-1938.
(With Z.S. Yang) The average behavior of the coefficients of Dedekind zeta functions over square numbers, Journal of Number Theory, 131(2011), 1924-1938.
(With H.W. Sun) Primes in quadratic progressions on average, ActaMath.Sin. (Engl. Ser.), 27(2011), 1187-1194.
(With J. Wu and W.G. Zhai) On a divisor problem related to the Epstein zeta-function II, 131(2011), 1734-1742.
(With Z.X. Liu) On unlike powers of prime and powers of 2, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 132(2011), 125-139.
(With Z.X. Liu) Two results on powers of a in Waring-Goldbach problem, Journal of Number Theory, 131(2011), 716-736.
On higher moments of Fourier coefficients of holomorphic cusp forms, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 63(2011), 634-647.
(With Z.X. Liu) Eight cubes of primes and powers of 2, ActaArith., 145(2010),171-192.
(With Y. H. Wang) Note on the number of integral ideals in Galois extensions, Science China: Mathematics, 53(2010), 2417-2424.
(With H.G. Xia) Note on divisor function for quaternion algebras, Journal of number theory, 130(2010), 2147-2156.
On a divisor problem related to the Epstein zeta-function, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 42(2010), 267-274.
(With H.C. Tang) On some results of Hua in short intervals, Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 50(2010), 54-70.
(With H.W. Sun) On fractional power moments of L-functions associated to certain cusp forms, ActaAppl Math., 109(2010), 653-667.
Number of solutions of certain congruences, ActaArith., 140.4(2009), 317-328.
The sixth and eighth moments of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, Journal of Number Theory, 129.11(2009), 2790-2880.
On an open problem of Sankaranarayanan, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 39.8(2009), 1023-1028.
Uniform estimates for sums of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 124.1-2(2009),83-97.
On sums involving coefficients of automorphic L-functions, Proceedings of the AMS, 137.9(2009), 2879-2887.
Average behavior of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, Proceedings of AMS, 137.6(2009), 1961-1969.
(With H.W. Sun) On a generalization of Hua’s theorem with five squares primes, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 122.3(2009), 273-282.
(With W.G. Zhai) On the representation of large integers as sums of four almost equal squares of primes, The Ramanujan Journal, 18(2009), 1-10.
(With H.W. Sun) Integers represented as the sum of one prime, two squares of primes and powers of 2, Proceedings of AMS, 137.4(2009), 1185-1191.
The average value of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms in arithmetic progressions, Journal of Number Theory, 129(2009), 488-494.
Additive functions on arithmetic progressions with large moduli, Journal of Number Theory, 129(2009), 477-487.
(With X.M. Meng) On sums of a prime and four prime squares in short intervals, ActaMath.Sin. (Engl.Ser.), 24(2008), 1291-1302.
On sums of a prime and four squares of primes in short intervals, Journal of Number theory, 128(2008), 805-819.
(With Y.F. Xu) Hua’s theorem with nine almost equal prime variables, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 116(2007), 309-326.
Gauss’s three squares theorem with almost prime variables, ActaArith., 128(2007), 391-399.
(With H.X. Lao) On exponential sums over primes in short intervals, Monatshfte fur Mathematik, 151(2007), 153-164.
On Romanoff’s Constant and Its Generalized Problem, Chinese Advance in Mathematics, 36(2007), 94-100.
(With J.Y. Liu, T. Zhan) Exponential sums over primes in short intervals, Sci. China, 49(2006), 449-457.
On the estimation of exponential sums over primes in short intervals, Acta Math. Sin. 49 (2006), 693-698.
Hua’s Theorem on five almost equal prime squares, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.), 22(2006), 907-916.
Note on a result of Hua, Chinese Advances in Mathematics, 35(2006), 343-348.
On sums of nine almost equal prime cubes, Acta Math. Sin., 49(2006), 195-204.
Hua’s Theorem with five almost equal prime variables, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B, 26(2005), 291-304.
(With W.G. Zhai) On three-dimensional divisor problem of (a,a,b) type, Chinese Advances in Mathematics, 33(2004), 195-202.
(With J.Y. Liu) Four squares of primes and 165 powers of 2, Acta Arith., 114(2004), 55-70.
(With W.G. Zhai) The divisor problem on the Beatty sequence, Acta Math. Sin., 47(2004), 1213-1216.
(With W.G. Zhai) On the sum of multi-dimensional divisor function on special sequence, Chinese Advances in Mathematics, 32(2003), 660-664.
On sums of two squares of primes and a cube of a prime, Northeastern Mathematics Journal, 19(2003), 99-102.
(With W.G. Zhai) A special two-dimensional divisor problem, Chinese Pure and Applied Mathematics, 18(2002), 348-352.
(With W.G. Zhai) A special divisor problem, Acta Math. Sin., 45(2002), 991-1004.